Friday, May 25, 2007

Dempsey's Deli

11319 Pinehurst
October 18, 1996

24-7 Seattle desires her
because she's well rounded,
but most importantly,
her heart is golden.

Between rush hours
when the baker isn't looking
she dresses up in party colors or simmering coconut
and dances the tango with the cream-filled eclairs.

Through the glass you could hear
the muffins clap and the croissants sing
as she transforms her tray
into a dance floor worthy of John Travolta.

As she cha-chas she won't worry about lay-offs
as much as small sizing.
As she waltzes she won't worry about out-of-town traffic
as much as competitive biscotti.

She's as common as the guitar,
as necessary as Pike Place Market.
She's Seattle's cosmopolitan, independent pastry
the 50-cent donut.

Java Club

7811 Aurora Avenue North
October 17, 1996

A new Seattle soap opera - As the Coffee Beans Grind
featuring in order of appearance:

A social worker and a juvenile offender;
Cynthia - barista, wears glittering earrings;
AA attendees;
A Woman - dark eyes, possibly of southern European ancestry, imperceptible accent from eastern United States. Stares a lot.
Muffin Delivery Person aka Hey, man, how's it going?
Instant Coffee Drinkers from Kalamazoo, Michigan
Police Officers

Scene I
3:00pm - raining outside as viewed through the front window.
A social worker and a juvenile offender comment about the black and white historic Seattle photographs hanging on the wall. Cynthia directs AA attendees to the backroom as she opens a new bag of Tim's Cascade Style potato chips. A Woman with a pen and pad of paper either stares at soap operas on the TV or the Various characters filing in and out of the back room

Scene 2
3:05pm - raining outside as viewed through the front window.
Cynthia and Hey, man, how's it going discuss the increase in espresso prices as three Instant Coffee Drinkers read about the miracle cures of lattes outlined in a brown, leather bound book with gold lettering, The East Coat Poet's Latte Recipes for Miracle Cures, they just bought at Magus Books. Cynthia prepares three mochas for them as she directs AA attendees to the back room. A Woman with a pen and pad of paper either stares at soap operas on the TV or the Various characters filing in and out of the back room.

Scene 3
3:15pm - raining outside as viewed through the front window.
Cynthia gossips with two Police Officers who thought they heard someone plot to overthrow Microsoft or plot a scandal featuring Paul Allen and Ken Behring. Cynthia directs AA attendees to the back room. A Woman with a pen and pad of paper either stares at the soap operas on the TV or the Various characters filing in and out of the back room.

Scene 4
3:30pm - raining outside as viewed through the front window.
Cynthia talks to A Woman about how the floating bridge floated away, and how the Hammering Man fell the day it was unveiled, and how the elevator to the top of the Space Needle was stuck halfway up to three hours, and how the Fremont Troll is hollow (after all it is a soap opera).

This day's episode of As the Coffee Beans Grind
is brought to you by the Summer of 1980
when Luke and Laura from General Hospital
captured my imagination as a hopeless romantic
and stifled my creativity as a playwrite.


209 1st Avenue
October 16, 1996

It's ironic
that I sit in a bar at 10:30am
drinking a latte I paid for
with a coupon.

I hear small talk of regulars
or tourists eating breakfast.
I hear small talk between the bartender and a customer at the counter
like in movies or sitcoms
or other cities.

Baithouse Coffee Shop

5517 Seaview Avenue NW
October 13, 1996

I walk down steep steps to this diamond in the rough;
a room with a view of seagulls, sunsets, Shilshole Bay,
and a small town feeling like in The Shipping News1.

A man interprets what a woman signs to the staff;
it's obvious from their responses
that they know each other.

This woman baked the biscotti and cookies for sale.
She licks her fingers as another man checking fishing nets
sits with an open bottle of beer.

Staff cook then eat what they want
as they look at the boats sailing to and from the Ballard Locks
possibly like their cousins in Nova Scotia
or their ancestors.

1 The Shipping News by E. Annie Proulx

15th Avenue Cafe

5905 - 15th NW
October 13, 1996

I rush
to catch a bus
so I can rush to a computer
to rush out applications
to the mail.

Oh no!
I miss my bus
so I can't rush
to the computer.
Instead I'll order a sandwich
and initiate small talk.

Should I be in a rush to find a job
when my finances are in the ditch,
but I enjoy myself so much?


I rush
to catch any bus
so I can rush to a computer
to rush out applications
to the mail.

Seacrest Boathouse

1660 Harbor Avenue SW
October 12, 1996

Autumn leaves in my
memories; an Autumn mist
covers Seattle

Celesto Espresso

963 Mercer Street and Boat Street
September 27, 1996

I notice her espresso cart is manufactured by Eclipse,
which reminds me of last night's lunar eclipse,
and I ask if she saw it.

Both of us saw it last night.
I was walking home from Simply Desserts.
She just bought something at the store.

She mentions that two boys stood out in front
enthusiastically encouraging people,
Look, look at the moon!

Three Girls' Bakery

1514 Pike Place, Suite #1
September 22, 1996

I think I lost my bus pass
and that this is a test
of my crisis intervention skills
to use on myself.

I decide to take a nap
because I feel depressed
since I lost my bus pass
and life sucks.

Until I see my pass is stuck
within my checkbook,
and I decide to go to a bakery
because I feel lucky.

Untitled (What was once Lighthouse Roasters)

5416 Sandpoint Way NE
September 21, 1996

It's about carrying a coupon for a free latte
for a cafe I didn't know was sold.

It's about getting lost and calling for directions
from an abandoned Alfalfa's two blacks away;

It's about walking aimlessly in front of an unnamed cafe
until a man says, Are you the one that phoned?

It's about a barista making a latte for me
ten minutes after the cafe closed.

It's about a barista honoring my free latte coupon
although what was once Lighthouse Roasters is gone.

It's about the reasons to write poetry:
exploration, stimulation, and a nice barista;

It's about appreciating the good in Seattle the grand NJ way;

It's about leaving a $2.00 tip.

Lead (Pb) Gallery

1303 1st Avenue
September 20, 1996

I sit on an old sofa near an open window in the basement where the SOIL artists display their work. I hear cars on the highway, someone talking on the phone a few floors below, and an air conditioner.

I think of city sounds like pieces to a puzzle. Each sound represents a different activity that combines to form a city: co-workers talk on the Harbor Steps about the team's most recent win or next week's company barbecue; computers printing paychecks or a 10-page report destined to collect dust or fund a P-Patch; dishes clanking in the kitchen of a fusion style restaurant; high-heeled shoes on the visiting insurance broker from New York quickly clicking up the steps; papers falling from a briefcase; loud music during a traffic jam; garbage collectors discussing their scores from the MCAT; and the sounds of cameras used by artists, journalists, and tourists.

When I piece a puzzzle together sometimes a piece won't fit on the first try. The first time I hear a new noise in the city it jolts me, shocks me enough to find the source. After many times I hear the noise it fits in my puzzle;
familiar enough for me to almost dismiss it as I
write poetry.

Hydrohouse Cafe

1201 Eastlake Avenue East
September 19, 1996

A black and white photograph circa 1914
of City Light and Power
hangs on the wall to my left.

Within this photograph
I see construction and power lines;
a possible reflection of growth and success.

But, when is a photograph
of construction and power lines
a predictor of lattes and ZymoGenetics?

Blake's Bakery

4737 California Avenue SW
September 14, 1996

She left her house at 9:00am
to walk, . . . all the way down here.
for a plain French donut.

She's walked for 5 hours
but all the plain French donuts

Staff behind the pastry glass
encourage her to call next time,
We'll save some for you.

She places her cane near the counter,
ordered a different donut without hesitation,
and says she walks per doctor's orders.

OK Hotel

212 Alaskan Way
September 8, 1996

I walk along 4th Avenue looking for a place to eat
until the wind grabs my hat from me.
Anxiety tries to be my pal as I fear
I'll lose my creativity.

Then a man with a hoarse, baritone voice
wearing a bandana and a shirt too small
jumps after my hat, catches it,
hands it to me with a low bow and says,
Pardon me, Ma'am.

I hope he hears the gratitude in my Thanks
that, maybe, didn't float beyond my hair
that attacks my face.

Pioneer Square Juice & Java

77 Yesler Way
September 7, 1996

He usually sits near
the black metal awning
shaking his paper cup
saying, Hey, darling.

Signs near him read,
. . . peace . . . friend.
You know who I'm talking about
you've seen him
wearing a rain poncho
handing out pamphlets
of I don't kow what.
An added touch of friendliness
to Pioneer Square. The only area
serving pizza after 5 o'clock.

He says to me as I pass,
Ooooh, don't you look nice today.
So I flash him a shy smile
darkened with the season's
newest lipstick color.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Louisa's Bakery Cafe

2379 Eastlake Avenue East
September 7, 1996

Blue women with ribbons
dancing in stained glass
weave my cape; a memory.

Craig's 19th Avenue Cafe

615 - 19th Avenue East
September 6, 1996

Today's race for a job begins withe employment applications
from the medical center at the University of Washington

12 more to fill out at 4:14pm.
11 more to fill out at 4:16pm.
10 more to fill out at 4:21pm.
   20 more times to sign by the X.
9 more to fill out at 4:24pm.
   My handwriting becomes circular.
   This latte works.
8 more to fill out at 4:28pm.
7 more to fill out at 4:31pm.
   My cramping hand thanks my moral head that I'm not a criminal.
   (If you answered "Yes", please explain . . . )
6 more to fill out at 4:34pm.
   Tonight I'll dream of pens.
5 more to fill out at 4:37pm.
4 more to fill out at 4:40pm.
   8 is the slowest number.
3 more to fill out at 4:43pm.
   Who is paid to staple applications together?
2 more to fill out at 4:46pm.
1 more to fill out at 4:49pm.
   Female should be the first box!
0 more to fill out at 4:52pm.
   I didn't read the instructions.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Gee Whiz Coffee Company

1925 5th Avenue
September 6, 1996

Rainy said, God, I'm tired.
The same tired I feel each year
because you make me birth children
you turn into lawn chairs.

She continuined, God, I'm tired
of your contractors feeding me fertility drugs
the same time every year
to make me birth children
you turn into lawn chairs.

She paused, looked south, and in a louder voice,
God, I'm angry
that your contractors cut me deep
and deeper each year.
They rip all that almost grows from under my skin,
and leave me a cracked and dusty 'has been.'

God, Helen was angry.
She screamed so loud the earth shook.
When it's my turn to scream from the bruises
and scabs you forget, I won't just scream,
I'll bleed.

La Pesce Cart

402 Cedar
August 29, 1996

If this is a Seattle Day
passengers on the monorail would wave to me
as if they were royalty;
people driving to Bumbershoot would start their windshield wipers
to keep time with the traffic lights;
staff at KOMO News would take an extra 20-minute break
to ask me, Is the sky blue?
only to be answered by a bartender at the 5 Point.

If this is a Seattle day
it would be fujicolor 100
and Chief Seattle
would point towards many things.

Bravo Espresso Cart

Outside Tower Records - Queen Anne
August 27, 1996

For four months I stuck my gift certificate to my refrigerator
because for four months I knew this day would come.
I used planning and patience, an honest appraisal of my finances,
and a daily ritual of listening to 107.7 The END.

I finally spend this gift certificate I was gifted
for volunteering at Denny Place Youth Shelter.
Before most fans started their jobs
I had Pearl Jam's NO CODE in my walkman.

Alki Cafe

2726 Alki Avenue SW
August 26, 1996

I think it's their first date.
She went to the eye doctor so she can't read the menu.
He'll read it to her, but first he offers his glasses.

He talks about his house.
From the patio he could watch the ships go by.
He built a ramp when he wife needed a wheelchair.
He lost 25 pounds when she died.

Her husband also died from cancer.
She loved their house,
but had to sell it.
She couldn't maintain it.

Their tones rarely fluctuate.
Did they each lose a true love,
and go through these motions
to appease the anxiety of friends?

I wish they finish the meal
with something exquisitely decadent.

The Cafe News

8913 Roosevelt Way NE
August 1, 1996

A copy of that book1
we gave away 23 years ago
sits on the same shelf
as weekly periodicals.

Those scary drawings
reduced to another child's nightmares
because now I recognize the words.

1 The Golden Treasury of Poetry

Bus Stop Espresso

800 NE 65th
July 19, 1996

One day the sun drove her Alfa Romeo Spider convertible
with the top down
all over Seattle.

The clouds decided by consensus
that Sunny's brilliance was quite attractive.

They packed their drums and brass horns
into an old Volkswagon van and followed her.

When Sunny saw them she sped behind the Cascade Mountains
as she never found security with musicians.

In their grief the clouds cried.
See their tears on the pavement
underneath rush hour traffic.


5041 Wilson Avenue South
July 12, 1996

Opened two month ago
      the only bookstore in the south . . .

After he says this
I take another look
of the owner of
Take Another Look bookstore.

      When I read books I know
I'm not the only one who did . . .
      When I read books I know
I'm not the only one who thought . . .
      When I read books I know
I'm not the only one who criticized . . . .
      . . . applauded . . .
            . . . wondered . . .
I'm not the only one who dreamed that . . .
      . . . could and would and should happen
for at least the 50 seconds I spend memorizing the first line.

I guess residents of Seward Park were never taught to read
well enough
to demand
a bookstore
before May 1996

Brie & Bordeux

2227 North 56th Street
July 11, 1996

Children play at Meridian Park;
they swing on the swings higher and higher
until the teacher yells for them to stop,
and they walk back two by two.

When they leave the park they take within their backpacks
the poem I almost wrote. The one about childhood friendships,
summer camps, and earthworms.

A family walks onto the park;
the adults use the facilities,
the child swings on the swing higher and higher.

Bagel Oasis

462 North 36th
July 6, 1996

Time is five minutes slow in Fremont
because Time is on My Side.1
I feel so good in Fremont
because I'm a Natural Woman2

Time is on my side
when my soul is in the lost and found
and I don't know what's wrong with me.

I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for
since time is on my side.
Yes it is.

It makes me feel so good inside
to know I'm still alive
since time
time is on my side.

1 Rolling Stones
2 Aretha Franklin

Boulevard Espresso

4922 South Genesee
July 5, 1996

I wish I could paint you a picture
of this lake, the slushing sounds
as it hits the rocks near the shore.

I wish I could paint you a picture
of the breeze forcing my hair in my eyes

or the warmth of the sun I sense
beyond the shade of the trees

or the unchallenged temptation
to touch those yellow flowers
guarded by bees

or the kazoo noises
from the blackbirds nesting in the trees
whose leaves rustle like pages
of this book I thumb through.

Beyond the Edge Cafe

703 East Pike Street
June 30, 1996

After the Gay Pride Parade
I ponder volunteer opportunities
through the Chicken Soup Brigade,
and wonder when my sunburn will start to hurt.

I think it's sunny
because God wants us to see the rainbows,
catch the chocolates, condoms, and necklaces
thrown by participants in leather.

Sun makes a statement when it's pushing through clouds.
Sometimes the strength lays unnoticed, sometimes insulted,
but it always ends in a rainbow.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Friend's Coffee House

1619 Harbor Avenue
June 13, 1996

Before I walk in
I see the birdhouse
with the inscription,
For my best friend.

Inside the cafe
I see on the wall,
Sandwich of the Day -

A La Francaise

415 1st Avenue South
June 12, 1996

Father Time's watch strikes noon
as Mother Nature inhales the aroma
of freshly baked bread.

I try to ignore them
since they argue about me.
They're loud and repetitious;
I blush. I'm embarrassed!

He thinks I need a career.
He thinks I must pay loans.
He thinks I need a house.
He thinks I must save and invest.

Mother Nature laughs in his face,
Find a career today - it'll change tomorrow.
Pay off loans, but then where's the challenge?
Buying a house can only bring worries,
and since when is living defined as saving?

She needs to feel the sun warm her face,
dance among glorious Spring flowers,
sing with the birds, hop on a ferry boat,
and breathe each breath as if it's her first.

My embarrassment leaves as I stare at her
identifying a loaf based on smell.
I wish my senses could be as clear,
and hope one day I'll be as the Mother.

Green Room Cafe - Seattle's Theatrical Coffeehouse

4026 Stoneway North
May 4, 1996

2:00am my friend's husband died of a heart attack.
Her son watched as the emergency team tried to help.

I write this so in future years
I'll know which day to call and ask,
Hey, friend, what's new? Want to go out?

Petite Maison Bakery Cafe

4207 University Way NE
April 28, 1996

Must the artist
extract the unique from the mundane;
the sweet almond cream
within a stale croissant.

Seattle's Best Coffee

1321 2nd Avenue
April 26, 1996

Across the street
workers demolish a building
into a waste of materials
and a waste of planning.

Did the original architect
want this to be scrap;
a nuisance to load and carry and dump?

If that architect were here
would I sense relief
because workers demolish
what was once a dream?

It's eerie to watch history crumble.
I only think, Don't fall on me.


710 North 34th Street
April 21, 1996

The sign on the wall reads,
Pontevecchio reserves the right
to refuse service to anyone
not in love

To avoid a confrontation
I act in love with life by writing this poem,
and staring at the neon purple and red
Italy stuck to the window.

Bacco Cafe and Juice Bar

86 Pine Street
April 19, 1996

I sit at a table
near a statue of a woman
who carries a jug of water as her dress falls -
she looks down.

I imagine she stands on a footstool
to reach the window of the room
where she's incarcerated by her husband.

I imagine she pours water on the people outside.
When she looks down, they'll look up and shout,
Her dress is torn! She's imprisoned! Call 911

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Seattle's Best Coffee

1530 Post Alley
April 19, 1996

I give my change
to the Memorial Fund of Andrew Cook;
slain espresso stand owner.

The Painted Table

92 Madison Street at First
April 16, 1996

I express with raised eyebrows and gaping mouth
wonder, awe, and shock.

I don't know if I should eat this art placed before me.
I think it's a crime to stab this salad with my fork.

It's shaped cylindrical, like cranberries out of a can
before they're sliced for Thanksgiving dinner.

Each layer is a different vegetable or sauce
combined in a study of textures and tastes.

I wonder if Tim Kelley, the chef, finds ideas for menus
in museums, art classes, or culinary schools.

Or is it something he finds
looking out from the top of the Space Needle during a sunset,
or flying a kite from Gas Works Park,
or strolling through Pike Place Market
that inspires him to create edible masterpieces.

Cinema Espresso

600 Queen Anne Avenue North
March 29, 1996

That squeaky little black spaniel, Jaba,
likes to be pet by Cinema Espresso's owner.
He just walked here with Mr. Johnson
who lives in a retirement community.

After Mr. Johnson's older dog died
Cinema Espresso's owner saw him walk slowly in his suit.
She passed around a collection
to buy Jaba.

Since he got Jaba, Cinema Espresso's owner
has seen Mr. Johnson in his fidora and blue jeans
carrying Jaba across the street
before Jaba leaps ahead on the sidewalk.


2135 Queen Anne Avenue North
March 29, 1996

My new black cat eyeglasses
look like my mom's from the early Sixties.
They're as black as my dad's eyebrows;
a shade darker than mine.

I bought them to look artistic and poetic
like the forest green color of a still life painting;
fresh herbs on an organic salad;
a jazz singer before stardom;
the smooth last line of a short poem.

Yet, as I look at my reflection
I think of borrowed cars parked during Sunday matinees;
hot fudge sundaes from New Jersey diners;
fast food take-outs before Fourth of July fireworks;
a nerdy, intelligent, feminist making a fashion statement;
the smooth last line of a poem.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Parkside News Cafe

2735 California Avenue SW
March 23, 1996

Art to someone
is a big purple nose

bigger than an espresso menu
and hanging on the wall.

I wonder at it's meaning
as I hear Oasis sing,

Green Cat Cafe

1514 East Olive Way
March 9, 1996

We sit on the front of a porch,
and she starts singing,
I don't know which way to go from here
I put my hand through a liquid mirror
and I wonder just what I've reached
Is this my blood dripping or
an hallucination?
Guiess it depends if I feel the pain.

I just caught you with a strange tease.
I'm not sitting on a porch, I'm in a cafe.
I can't listen to Mia Zapata because she's dead.
I read those lyrics from the cover
of Enter the Conquering Chicken2.

But there's Mia walking through the front door.
She motions for me to have a seat
as she grabs something to drink.

When she settles in across from me
I rattle off questions like a first-time detective.

So, who killed you?
You'll know soon enough.

How will we know?
Always an answer to murder.

I didn't know you. Why are you talking to me?
I sense you want to hear me sing.
I decided to visit you in your poem.

How long will you stay around?
Until I don't need to.

What do you miss most?

She stares me in the face.
I notice a rash around her neck.
She starts to sing.
It's been a long time comin
but I know a change is gonna come

1The Gits. Beauty of the Rose from Enter the Conquering Chicken
2Enter the Conquering Chicken; 1993 Fishhead Hotdog Burrito Music, 1994 C/Z Records.
3The Gits. A Change is Gonna Come from Enter the Conquering Chicken, written by Sam Cooke

Un Deux Trois

329 1st Avenue
March 8, 1996
Where are the women poets? - I asked. There are none - was the answer I received from the avant-garde publisher who had given me a treasure-trove of works by men poets.1

International Women's Day,
which I celebrate more than once a year
by reading poetry written by women
with decided political statements.

As I read this Greek anthology of women poets
blood rushes to my face as I try to imagine myself
as one of the women Rita Boumi-Pappas discusses,
who were summarily courtmartialed and executed
when they refused to sign a,
declaration of repentance and good behavior2.

In her introduction, Rita Boumi-Pappas writes -
These executed girls are my daughters, your daughters,
the daughters of all real people.
They fell, not only for political freedom, but for personal freedom,
for the rights as individuals to choose. They did not die to be silent.

In fact, they sit in front of me,
wine flows from wounds where there should be blood.
They intently watch each move of my pen
hoping the found someone who would've helped.

1Greek Women Poets, translated by Eleni Fourtouni., Thelphini Press, 1978, pg ix.
2Greek Women Poets, page 15.
3Greek Women Poets, page 15.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Caffe Ladro Espresso Bar & Bakery

2205 Queen Anne Avenue North
March 3, 1996

I've heard of a woman who works
in Amsterdam's Red Light District;
on display behind a glass window
sitting at a table above the sidewalk
looking out to the street
so she can be seen.

She can't forget why she has to do it;
a pimp, a baby, a threat of death,
a threat from immigration,
flight from civil war.

She's not aware Americans think it's grand
that health care for prostitutes is unionized in Amsterdam.
She has a soul, naive Americans, she's aware of the degradation.

I wonder how a union affects her
if she lives with her pimp
the immigration officer.

I wonder as I write poetry
behind a glass window
sitting at a table above the sidewalk
looking out to the street
so I can see.

Salute in Citta

612 Stewart Street
March 2, 1996

I'm one of those vegetarians
who didn't ask questions about what I was served
growing up in a meat and spaghetti household.

When I ask the hostess
if scallops are onions
she responds she doesn't know
because she's the same type of vegetarian.

Once I'm served the Capellini con Scallops
I eat the scallops slowly like an experiment.
I hope they're not contaminated.
I wonder if I'll get sick since it's been 5 years
since I last ate fish.

Before I wallow in my accidental degradation of the sea,
the hostess switches my dinner
to Cheese Stuffed Ravioli with Gorgonola Cheese.

Magnolia Espresso

2231 32nd Avenue West
March 2, 1996

The plaque near this bench reads
Donated by the Family and Friends
of Deborah Louise Case 1993

I sit on the bench along the Magnolia Scenic Bike Route
overlooking Elliott Bay. A beautiful view.

Deborah Louise Case probably loved Seattle on a sunny day.
As she watched the big boats slice through the water
she probably responded the way I do
when I hear a familiar song from a Broadway play.

Her family and friends must have loved her.
They gave me the gift to think highly of a stranger.

Different tempo coming.

This pen scratches my paper.
This latte spills on my coat.
Oh no, I say as I quickly suck the last drop
then wonder what passes behind my back.

Bikes zoom by, their wheels zizzzz;
car wheels make rubber pressure noises;
birds chirp (of course);
planes pass overhead, often;
the Sound ripped by speed boats
that sound like mulching mowers;
a panting dog walking
it's leash lightly slapping against itself;
two friends full of reflection and questions
as if one says You're making a big deal of nothing;
a man walking heavy with jingling keys;
a motorcycle, but not a Harley;
two more friends, each with a stroller that make
a crinkled noise like crumpled plastic;

three cars pass, one after another,
and I feel stimulation overload;

I can't hear lovers holding hands, they whisper;
an ocean liner's low, long, horn as if it's
the mist that covers Bremerton;
sun reflecting on the water flashes like fire crackers
and would sound like crystals falling.

These Seattle sounds should be recorded and sold,
The Sounds of Familiarity
The Sounds of Your Neighborhood
The Sounds When You Are Not Alone

110 Espresso & Panini Bar

108 Union
February 23, 1996

Another customer wears a shiny black Lusty Lady jacket
with Have an Erotic Day written in pink.
I wonder why the woman with the heavy makeup
talks to him.
She looks attentive, as if he's the boss and she's the servant.
She plays with her rings under the table and recrosses her legs;
as if she has to; as if it's an interview.

When she leaves she wraps her burrito in her napkin.
He turns to open the door for her
and resumes his position next to her
as they walk in the Lusty Lady direction.

As I watch them leave
I fail to pretend that she's happily employed,
lives in a condo,
and doesnt' strip to feed the boyfriend
that beat her last Tuesday.

I fail to pretend that she will forget
the memories of her father, uncle, brother
molesting her.

or the way that man looked her over
before he graced her with a quick, curt
the familiar sound voiced by black hole operators.

Simply Desserts

3421 Fremont Avenue North
February 22, 1996

I don't care if people snicker
because I know of places to eat great cake,
and no place to eat great salad.

I live across the street in a studio on the first floor.
I don't open the windows for safety reasons.
I'm used to the mold.

When I need a break - watch the rain fall or the traffic lights swing
I run to the home of my new best friends: white chocolate/chocolate cake,
mint chocolate cake, chocolate swirl brownies,
and cake baked with Bailey's Irish Creme.

They welcome me with kisses.
They listen like therapists.
They encourage me to stay longer
than I can stomach, but tonight
I'll give in to the peer pressure.

Creative Cafe

8516 Greenwood Avenue North
February 17, 1996

When I was six, home after open-heart surgery,
my mom colored my coloring books with me.
She amazed me because she colored within the lines.
She amazed me because she used flesh color for the face.

I remember that event 21 years later, almost to the day,
as I paint tiles, write poetry, and sip my latte.
If my mom were here her impressionist art would look like impressionist art.
If she painted Easter bunnies they'd look so real they'd hop.

Also, I think if I asked my mom what she thought of my impressionist art
that resembles maggots on moldy spaghetti,
she'd look at me and sincerely say,
Mary, you've created a masterpiece.

The Famous Pacific Dessert Company

516 North Broadway
February 16, 1996

When I was seven my brother baked a chocolate cake.
As I sat with my sisters at the kitchen table
focused on this week's episode of The Six Million Dollar Man
my brother dropped the cake on the floor.

We salvaged most of it
though it was smushed.
This started my addiction
to smushing my cake that lasted 18 years
until I realized that smushing cakes
was not mature.

This Chocolate Decadence
as it slides down my throat
brings back those happy memories
of when I smushed my cake with a fork.

I look around and I don't see other customers.
The staff is in the kitchen on the phone.
I look out the window and I don't see anyone on the sidewalk.
I only have a few bites left
I could pretend it's an accident.
I position my glass to shield strangers
from my cake smushing relapse.

I almost burst into tears.
It's not the same after a few years.
The cake tastes as disorganized as it looks.

Should I have kept it in tact?
Should I have listened to etiquette?
Of course not; I would be more disappointed
if I missed this chance.

Seattle Art Museum Cafe

1321 2nd Avenue
February 9, 1996
I try to express graphically what a great city is doing. Within these frames there must be a balance, a controlling of these warring, pushing, pulling forces. - John Marin, Painter - 1913

The balance between push cart espresso and coffee from a can;
between Pike Place Market and Safeway;
between Red & Black Books and Barnes & Noble;
between the "Ave" and 1-90;
between the Interbay P-Patch and the Kingdome;
between the DESC and the Federal Building;
between Washington State Ferries and Boeing;
between Portage Bay houseboats and Harbor Steps condos;
between Mt. Rainier and Weyerhauser;
between Norm Stamper and Bill Gates;
between Capital Hill and Capital Hill;
between flying kites at Gas Works Park and driving past SeaTac;
between KPLU and KNDD;
between the Solstice Parade and the Torchlight Parade;

between growing up in the East and living in the West;
between the Garden State Parkway and I-5;
between what I have and what I want;
between who I am and who I want to be.

Macrina Bakery & Cafe

2408 1st Avenue
January 26, 1996

The woman in that painting
wears bread for a hat,
and I envy her.

Is she, Macrina, the saint,
and does she stroll through
the market picking out fresh herbs?

I dream of strolling through
the market picking out fresh herbs.
I know why her eyes,
which stare boldly at me,
are as dark as mine.

Peace Cafe

2352 California Avenue SW
January 21, 1996

Another pilgrimage
with my friend, Geoffrey,
started this snowy, slushy,
chilly Sunday.

After 46 blocks of walking
and listening to Geoff complain
about the lack of horses,
I reached the Peace Cafe!

I started to raise my fists
in the air and sing, Flying High Now
like in the first Rocky,
when I met the Wife of Bath
confronting the barista;
proclaiming love this
and proclaiming love that;
maybe out of place
when talking about that piece of cake.

I saw the Knight at the gas station
across the street wondering
what to do wtih the pump.
His horse ate Twinkies off the stand,
wrappers and all,
while staff stared dumbfounded.

Alison told me the Miller
was arrested for sitting on the sidewalk,
laughing, confusing politicians
with the word, cuckold.

But that shipman
roared Alison
still drives around Aurora Avenue
in a rusty blue van
peeking through binoculars.

Once seated, I searched for a pen
as an amused Geoffrey

The Last Exit on Brooklyn

5201 University Way NE
January 2, 1996

Where Fuck expresses all feelings.
Where I pay more for decaf.
Where single shot lattes are very tall.
Where I'm reminded more of Ann Arbor than New York.
Where existential, transcendental, metaphysical, astrological, atheist philosophers

outnumber East Coast poets
who don't miss 600 students per class
who don't miss exams
who don't miss dorm food, student loans,
and Faulkner's complete works,
but who do miss a place like this.


7916 Greenwood Avenue North
December 4, 1995

I dismiss all rules of etiquette
and lean my head back while
the last luscious drop of latte foam
slithers down my throat.

I feel like a dahlia in July
waiting for rain,
anticipating sweet

Beans Cafe

2118 NE 65th Street
November 15, 1995

Someone painted a naked woman
and hung her on the wall.
He defined her breasts well
and drew a smudge for her face,
like a boy's best guess
or the government's true thoughts.

He drew her breasts
as if that was all she could give him,
as if he sits on the bus
plotting which one he'll do next
I mean draw next.

I've reached an age when college students are young,
an age of contemplation and decision.
As I drink my latte slowly,
and feel it's warmth throughout my body,
I wonder Do her nipples frown?

Espresso Roma

4201 University Way NE
November 12, 1995

As I watch the barista pour
a latte with hazelnut syrup,
I don't know he's pouring
a mistake for me.

A tasty mistake,
but next time I'll ask
So, the hazelnut syrup . . . is it free?

Espresso Vivace Roasteria

901 East Denny Way
October 29, 1995

I sit near the window ledge
on a barstool without a back;
forced to look out the window
or slouch.

I see the leaves on the trees
wave Hello, then motion for me to have a seat.
They joke, Don't worry, we're still green.

They taunt me,
Oh, you think you have an imagination,
you from the East Coast,
but East Coast leaves are falling

We are the ones hanging and laughing.
They wave their leaves with pride.
We brave the daily task of living.
We are the ones with imagination

Where I Travelled for a Latte

A La Francaise – U Village
A La Francaise – Pioneer Square
Alki Bakery
Alki Café
Baker’s Beach Café
Beans Café Coffee Company
Bahuaus Bookstore
Be-Bop a Latte
B&O Espresso Restaurant Capital Hill
Border’s Bookstore Café Espresso – 4th Avenue
Barnes & Noble – U Village
B&O Espresso – Pioneer Square
Bacco Café & Juice Bar
Bizarro Italian Café
Ballard Baking Company
Beyond the Edge Café
Boulevard Espresso
Bagel Oasis
Brie & Bordeux
Bus Stop Espresso
Ben & Jerry’s – Capital Hill
Bravo Espresso Cart
Book & Bean
Blake’s Bakery
Bulldog News
Baithouse Coffee Shop ***(One of my Favorite Seattle Places)
Bean & Bagel
Caffe Appassionate – Magnolia
Café Paradiso
Continental Café
Creative Café
Caffe ladro – Upper Queen Anne
Café Septieme
Cinema Espresso
Crazy for You
Café Sophie
Caffe Darte
Café Allegro
Chez Dominique
CT Café
Cats Eye Café
Casablanca Coffee
Café News
Coffee Crew
Cadiz Espresso
Café Flora
Craig’s 19th Avenue Café
Counter Culture
Celesto Espresso
Diva – Greenwood
Dutch Treat
Dillettante Chocolates
Dahlia Lounge
Daily Grind
Diva Espresso – West
Dempsey’s Deli
Espresso Roma Café – U District
Espresso to Go
Elliott Bay Book company
El Caprico Espresso Cart
ESP Resso Cart
Espresso DiMucci Cart
Espresso Europa
Espresso A GoGo
Espresso Roma Café – Broadway
European Restaurant
Famous Pacific Dessert Company – Queen Anne
Famous Pacific Dessert Company – Capital Hill
5 Spot
15th Avenue Café
Globe Café
Green Cat Café
Cloria Jeans Coffee Bean
Green Room Café
Greenwood Bakery/Café
Grand Illusion Espresso
Grand Central Baking company
Gee Whiz Great Coffee
Great Harvest Bread Company
Gravity Bar
Honey Bear Bakery
High Tea/Kowloon House
Hi-Spot Café
Harvard Espresso
Happy Go Latte
Hydrohouse Café
Home Espresso Repair
Just Say Espresso
Jet City Coffee House
Joyce’s Bakery
Jack’s Bistro
Java Club
Kitchen & Company
Last Exit on Brooklyn
Lux coffee Bar
Long Shoreman’s Daughter
La Pesce Café
Lighthouse Roasters & Fine Coffees – Fremont
Lighthouse Roasters (Sand Point Way)
Little Diva Espresso
Living Room
La Pesce Cart
Louisa’s Bakery Café
Lighthouse Espresso
Lead (pb) Gallery
Macrina Bakery Café – Belltown
Mae’s Phinney Ridge Café
Magnolia Espresso
McGraw Street Bakery
M Coy Books
My Friend’s Coffee House
Madison Espresso
Muddy Waters Espresso & Co.
Mocha Tree
Morning Star Bakery
New York Style Deli
Now Hear This CD’s & Tapes
Nice Day Coffee Co.
NW Coffee Co.
Old Seattle Coffee Co.
110 Espresso – Panini Bar
Original Bakery
OK Hotel
Original Grounds
145th Street Market
Penny University
Puss Puss Café
Peace Café
Pert’s Deli’
Parkside News Café
Painted Table
Place Pigalle
Petite Maison
PCC – Ravenna
PCC – Seward Park
Pioneer Square Juice & Java
Pegasus Coffee
Pike Place Bagels
Procopio Gelateria
Planet Java
Queen Anne Café
Queen Anne Coffee House
RoadRunner Coffeehouse & Coyote Comics
Rosebud Espresso & Bistro
Remo Borracchini
Roasteria Vivace Caffe
Sit & Spin
Still Life in Fremont
Speakeasy Café
Seattle Art Museum Café
Surrogate Hostess
Simply Desserts
Spezia Italian Café
Salute! In Citta
Starbuck’s Queen Anne
Starbuck’s First Hill
Seattle’s Best Coffee – Post Alley
Seattle Ferry to Bremerton
Seattle’s Best Coffee – 2nd & Union
Simply Seattle
Slices II
Sunlight Café
Seacrest Boathouse
Tully’s Madison Park
Torrefazione Italia – 6th & Olive
Torrefazione Italia – Occidental Park
Tully’s Coffee – Pike & 4th
Three Girls Bakery
13 Coins
Uptown Espresso
Un Deux Trois
Unique Café
Uncommon Grounds Coffee Café
University of Washington Medical Center
Virginia Inn
World Class Coffee
Wolf House
Zio Ricco

In the Beginning

October 1995 through October 1996 I went to 200 places in Seattle, and drank a latte at each one. Then I drafted at poem while I drank the latte. At that time in Seattle, there were enough independent coffee houses, carts, and laundrymats so that I only had to include 2 Starbucks, 2 Seattle Best Coffees, and 2 of any chain. It was an adventure, and was the absolute best way for me to get to know Seattle. I still think of it as a kind of pilgrimage. At the end I had my life in poetry complete with latte spills, and a decreased need of a Seattle map. My 10 years in Seattle were not the best, but that one year project no matter what else was going on good or bad was one of the highlights of my life. I didn't publish The East Coast Poet's Last Chance Latte Log, and I couldn't do it now as most of the places have closed. However, I edited those pages extensively, and I'm still very proud of the final product.