Saturday, April 28, 2007

A La Francaise

415 1st Avenue South
June 12, 1996

Father Time's watch strikes noon
as Mother Nature inhales the aroma
of freshly baked bread.

I try to ignore them
since they argue about me.
They're loud and repetitious;
I blush. I'm embarrassed!

He thinks I need a career.
He thinks I must pay loans.
He thinks I need a house.
He thinks I must save and invest.

Mother Nature laughs in his face,
Find a career today - it'll change tomorrow.
Pay off loans, but then where's the challenge?
Buying a house can only bring worries,
and since when is living defined as saving?

She needs to feel the sun warm her face,
dance among glorious Spring flowers,
sing with the birds, hop on a ferry boat,
and breathe each breath as if it's her first.

My embarrassment leaves as I stare at her
identifying a loaf based on smell.
I wish my senses could be as clear,
and hope one day I'll be as the Mother.

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